The Hospitals seeks to protect, restore, and enhance is important to adopt an approach to design, construction, and operations and maintenance
Infectious solid waste desinfection at the point of origin is one of the many ways to transform persistent pollutants into revenues (closing the loop of the rcycling of PEHD plastics, etc..). There is a microwave based technology we developped 15 years ago to achieve this automatically at ward level. Nobody wanted to change the costly habits of collecting, transporting and incinerating. If things have changed today, the technology is still there for licensing, creating a sustainability for hospitals and healthcare facilities of all kinds, while cutting waste treatment cost by more than 30%. We considered that each bed generated 2 pounds of solid waste per day....
Forgot to enclose 2 scientific articles for your review.
They assess the decontamination levels:
1) with a dielectric liquid treating the upper side surface of the equipment (hopper and shredder) and bringing the needed field absorption data to the solid waste,
2) a very high density electromagnetic field in the microwave chamber turning the above liquid mixed to solid waste to heat and generating 165°C and a few bars pressure of steam.
The resulting waste has been divided by factor 5 in volume and can be recycled in bricks for insulation purpose, etc...