I would be appreciated if could suggest a practical technique for selective growing medium for to promote growth and sporulation of Glomus intraradices under laboratory conditions.
Unless you use Root Organ Culture, you can grow them in a pot with a suitable host (Plantago lanceolata is a good one, but there almost any arbuscular mycorrhizal host plant will do). If you mean in gel culture, look at the work of Declerck and co-workers in Belgium, or Dalpé and co-workers in Canada. There is a book about Root Organ Culture. Please note, that cultures labelled as Glomus intraradices (actually, Rhizophagus intraradices, NOT GLOMUS) are unlikely to be that species, but more likely to be Rhizophagus irregularis. See http://bccm.belspo.be/catalogues/mucl-species-details?NUM=46397&FIRSTITEM=1&RANGE=20&LIST1=STRAIN_NUMBER&TEXT1=&LIST2=NAME&TEXT2=Rhizophagus%20intraradices&LIST3=ORGANISM_TYPE&TEXT3=&LIST4=ORIGINAL_SSTR&TEXT4=&LIST5=ALL%20FIELDS&TEXT5=&CONJ=OR for available ROC
Had good luck with 1 tablespoon of molasses in 250 cc of water with a fish tank bubbler. Increase amount of mycorrhizal by a factor of 5. Worked for me. Al Sears