We are looking at the economic impact of energy policy and for that we need to know, for each energy technology, how each euro (or dollar, etc) spent in either investment or operation and maintenance is allocated to a particular good/service/sector. For example, the investment costs of wind energy are x% equipment, y%land, etc.

Notice that we are looking for cost shares and not total cost values, we have found those (e.g. investment cost in euro per MW of installed power). We have also found good cost share data for wind power but only fragmented information concerning the other technologies.

Suggestions of where to find such data for coal refining, oil refining, coal thermal power, oil thermal power, gas thermal power, hydro, biomass, geothermal, and photovoltaic are most welcome.

If it's of interest to anyone I can also post here the list of sources that we found on this subject already.

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