The biggest obstacle in the way of tackling the Corona Virus ( from Chinese city of Wuhan, ) is misinformation and politics. How corona virus compares to the biggest pandemics since 1900. It came from Wuhan, China and now nearly 150 countries are reluctant hosts to this pandemic. Spanish flu killed 1-2mil, Asian flu (also from China) 1.1Mil deaths, (1958), HK flu (also China) 0.575 mil -(1968), Swine flu affected 57 mil Americans. Misinformation has taken its toll and WHO has already lost it as US abandoned it.
Talking of the millennium bug- Huge sums were spent to prepare for the consequences of this bug - Yet nothing catastrophic really happened. In Bible the number 40 is always bad.. Bad things seem to come in 40's: 40 days and 40 nights, so with Corona Virus or COVID19, will this disappear in year 2020 which again equals 40.-once the antidote arrives?.