Hello Everyone,

I am having problem running abaqus simulation to simulate 5 filaments, that are being fixed at one side and free at the other side. Water is gonna flown across these filaments, as the initial position of the filaments is perpendicular to the water flow direction. So I expect that the filaments are gonna directed along the water flow after simulation.

As being referred from thread799-374476: Beam Beam Contact Explicit, I modelled the filaments (15um diameter) using beam elements. Each beam element is gonna be tie-constrained to a new surface (as recommended in the website as well). Because without tie-constraint and new surface, water are gonna flowing through the beam elements, as if the beam elements don't exist.

I model the water by using SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamics).

Even after using the tie-constraint with a imaginary surface, water is still flowing through the beam elements.

Could anyone help me with this problem? I need to examine the effect of fluid flow on the filaments.

I attach as well an inp. file for this simulation.

Best regards,


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