Dear all

I have been trying to simulate a cholesterol membrane built with the charmm membrane builder in gromacs 2019. I have tried using various forcefields to start wit the first step of minimisation as described in various online tutorials including the KALPc, but am unable to do so. the first error is the residue type not found in the topology database. then is the proper dihedrals not found. I tried OPLS, AMBER99SB and Gromos53A6 but somehow the error persists. I downloaded the cholesterol parameter files for gromacs from the charmm website.

has anybody done the simulation and can help me with it. i have another system with cholesterol:popc 40:60. there also cholesterol parameters are creating issues.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I am attaching my files for amber99sb that i modified.

thank you

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