Dear all,
I have tried everything on the smiling list to simulate the cholesterol membrane. but nothing seems to work. The error is grompp
NO default proper dihedrals, no default UB types. Since the system is built on charmm gui, i have to use the charmm forcefield as the atom types match correctly.I used the Charmm36 March 2019 release and the error is
Fatal error: Syntax error - File cmap.itp, line 4 Last line read: '[ cmaptypes ]' Invalid order for directive cmaptypes
I checked the cmap types files but I cannot understand what is the error.
when I use charmm27 from Gromacs, there is no such error but the default errors are there.
I am not sure what am I doing wrong here, why I cannot set it up even. I have followed almost a;; tutorials on the net. since no one is simulating cholesterol membrane. the exact problem I am unable to identify.
I used other force fields also such as gromos 54a7 as the cholesterol itp can be obtained from the ATB server which is compatible but the error of default types. but it gives only 29 atom types for cholesterol, while the membrane has 74 atoms per cholesterol molecules, including the hydrogens. Here the error is more strange. it tells me my number of coordinates is less in topology file but I checked it is all correct (128 chol: 3130 water). the other errors are no proper dihedrals in the cholesterol.itp and default UB error. Similar issues are occuring with 53a6 and OPLSS-AA.
another common error is "Something is wrong in the coordinate formatting of file chl1.gro. Note that gro is fixed format (see the manual)" I checked the other tutorial files such as DPPC. similar lines are there, except, the cholesterol has hydrogen names A, B , C.
Can someone help me diagnose the issue here. is it the system, or the forcefields or the cholesterol itp file generated. I am attaching some of the files here. Please help, this is now become emergency.
the cmaptypes is from Charmm36.
Thank you
I shall remain grateful, if someone can help me.