10 October 2017 1 4K Report

Some time ago Professor Jan Sokolowski from Wroclaw University asked me what I thought about Professor Manczuk's work as a mathematician. As a result of my reflection on Manczuk's work, I wrote a paper https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320041802_Kilka_uwag_o_niektorych_teoriach_Witolda_Manczaka_A_few_remarks_on_some_theories_of_Witold_Manczak. The work is critical. I sent it to Linguistica Coperniacana and after two days I received a reply from the redactor in chief. Editor in chief decided not to forward your article to the next stage of the publishing procedure. He drew attention to the inappropriate nature of the publication: the article proposed for printing is a harsh criticism of the views of the scientist, a year and a half ago deceased.

kind regards

Iwona Kapron-Charzynska

Editorial secretary"

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