I am studying in tank, the behavior (positionning) of a prey fish in response to a predator (Pred: 2 levels, P vs A) and habitat type (Hab: 4 levels).

For each combination of the level of those two factors, I run 4 observationnal sessions, using new individuals every time. Each session was divided in 3 subsessions. Within each subsession, I recorded 21 times (every 30 sec) the position of the prey. I consider those observations as independent. I recorded the X;Y;Z position as categorical ordinated variables, i.e. the tank was virtually divided by a 3D grid: X spans from 1 to 5 (left to right) ; Y from 1 to 3 (front to back); Z from 1 to 6 (bottom to top).

In order to test the effect of predator (Pred), habitat (Hab) and the interaction term Pred.Hab on the positionning (dimension by dimension), I thought of it in 3 differents ways:

(1) Multinomial model, this would be the best suited method, but I and my peer (at least my lab mates) are not familiar at all with odd ratios. I would prefer to avoid it.

(2) Log-linear model, the response variable could be the nb of observation (Freq) in each categorical position (Pos, e.g. X coordinates) out of the 21 during each subsession. This would lead to 12 "replicates" (4 sessions x 3 subsessions). The full model would be Freq~Pos*Pred*Hab, isn't it? And then, I compare reduced models to the full one (using AIC) in order to test each terms of interest. I always work in ANOVA context, so my terms of interest are Hab, Pred and Hab:Pred, but should these interactions be with Pos? For example,"Does habitat affect position (independently of the interaction Hab:Pred, i.e. as in Type III Anova)?" is tested by comparing the full model vs. the reduced where Pos:Hab is removed.

(3) ANOVA, I consider my variable as continuous. I use rank based ANOVA. I think to PRIMER/PERMANOVA using enclidean distance.

Should I also consider (1) fish individual random effect (4 individuals) and subsession effect (behaviour is likely to change between the 3 subsession over the session period, e.g. through familiarization). However, I don't know if it is possible to consider both because one individual fish experience occurs only one time each subsession (the statistical unit if considering frequency).

Thanks to people who read until here :-)

Thanks in advance for sharing your point of view.

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