There are many use cases for IBM Watson. There are Analytics as well as Machine Learning and Cognitive use cases. Here is an article reviewing 18 companies usage of Watson: These companies are using Watson big data and analytics to power their business
There are use cases around Conversation- build intelligent chat bots and virtual agents across mobile devices, messaging platforms and even robots. Banks in Japan have robots that greet clients and answer basic banking questions, then they refer client to a Live specialist for more complicated and interactive intensive support.
There are visual recognition use cases for tagging and classifying visual content using machine learning.
Watson is used for Personality insights and there are use cases developed in HR, Health Care, Financial Services, etc…
There are many, many use case examples and Jeopardy was a basic example of what Watson calls its “Discovery” service.
Watson deals with Speech, Language, Conversation, Vision and Empathy… There is also a connection with Watson IoT, The Weather Company, and more… valuable insights to Cognitive interactions…