When I am answering a question or adding to the posts in a discussion, I like to mention the name of a researcher and use the @ in order to bring up an active link. I have just been trying to mention the name of a RG member who has been very highly recommended for the answer supplied, but can't make RG recognise the person's name. The highly recommended response was made in January 2021, but I would have thought that anyone who contributed to that particular thread should have come up as being recognised. But no! Not even when the response has been so highly recommended!

I realise that once you have added a response, that this method does not function, and I usually copy my response, delete the box of what I have just added and paste it into a new response box. Then I can use the @ for an active link - - - unless the RG member responded too long ago.

What are your views on this?

Sometimes, a responder uses the @ before a RG member's name, so it looks as if the response had not appeared as was hoped.

I found it very difficult to find words describing this question that RG would accept and recognise as this was not a question about a recognised subject.

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