Can you define, what "high precision" means to you? Your posted image shows already a flow prediction which would be in my opinion of quite satisfactory precision, because it resolves the tip vortex on the propeller blades over 4-5 revolutions (without letting it dissipate due to a too coarse mesh). So what you are striving to achieve? What result you are looking for?
There are several reasons to have good and satisfying results of numerical methods. To have a good insight into your simulation, please use low velocity with laminar flow, then you can continue with turbulence flow with the k-e model.
Nazaruddin Sinaga : from my perspective not a very suitable advice for a high-quality flow field prediction.
By definition the flow around a propeller is a flow field with strong curvature of streamlines. A k-epsilon model is usually not very suitable for those predictions. k-epsilon model produces a much too high level of eddy viscosity leading to very strong turbulent dissipation in the flow field. So e.g. it is not very possible to resolve the tip-vortex flow, which one can observe in the included image. The minimum turbulence modeling approach would consist in:
a) high local mesh resolution, where it is to be expected that the blade-tip vortex is propagating.
b) I would further recommend, to include the space where this blade-tip vortex is propagating, into the rotor domain which moves together with the propeller and to place the rotor-stator interface well located outward of this location in space, i.e. not to disturb the propagation of the blade-tip vortex with crossing over the rotor-stator interface.
c) Use lower dissipation SST turbulence model (SST= Shear Stress Transport) with curvature correction model/term included.
d) If mesh resolution and computational resources are sufficient, try to apply either SAS-SST or SBES (Stress-blended eddy simulation). Both are higher accuracy hybrid scale-resolving simulation methods (SRS methods). More expensive in terms of computational ressources, but if the mesh resolution is adequate than these methods are more accurate than 2-equation turbulence models as well.
For further advice I'm looking forward to a more concrete description from Ionut Cristian Scurtu on what he is specifically looking for...