
1. Are there simple formulas for electrical conductivity in variable cross section conductors, because I was unable to find formulas even for cone shape? (inclined prism will also require non common formula, even when cross section is constant *).

2. Would simulation and modelling with 500*500*500 nodes * 4 byte precision be considered real "scientific" simulation?

Background information:

Square grid will be used to calculate the conductivity of irregular shaped ion conducting samples, because it is difficult to obtain constant cross section and/or it is not all ways desired. Simple formulas are required to verify computational solution (averaging the potential of the 6 neighbor nodes).

With 500*500*500 nodes the realistic accuracy is far below 0.2% (quantization position accuracy **) this will also imply that using variables above integer might be only speculation and hiding errors to impress someone. Using higher precision data types will increase the requirement of the grid size. While 500*500*500*4 byte is already 500MB and not the whole grid will be used.

Multiple iterations are required to reach desired precision, intermediate results saving is also desirable. This means a lot of storage space would be required.

Considering the time dependent conductivity, it would require significant computational power and storage. (time dependency is because of the movement of the ions, that will lead also to different ion concentrations leading to different local electrical conductivities, local stress buildup, diffusion "constants" might be also changed, etc.)

The goal is the conductivity, but the current approach is to calculate the electrical potential in the nodes, check “hot spots” and then to calculate the overall conductivity. Static potential is a good start, because dynamics will overcomplicate the whole thing.

Simulation and modelling are required to fit the experimental data and to check which factors are significant and which can be neglected.

*see attached picture- form1.png

**see attached picture- zoomed border.png

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