I am beginning a research project where I conduct 3 to 4 individual interviews (30minutes) with older subjects in nursing homes suffering from depression. In line with positive psychology, we will be discussing difficult moments/periods in their past and exploring the positive qualities/ressources/traits that enabled them to get over these difficult periods. The hypothesis is that these sessions will lower depression and increase positive affect. The scales to measure this are the CES-D depression scale, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule and Diener's Satisfaction with Life scale. Measures will be taken pre and post intervention and then at 7 weeks to see how well the results were sustained.

One problem I have is that I suspect that because they are depressed they will have difficulties identifying the positive qualities they had that enabled them to get over the difficulty. I want to avoid orienting the discussions or being the one to point out the qualities they demonstrated : ideally I should only guide them to see these aspects themselves. Does anyone have a recommendation for a good practical qualitative research methods guide that could help me with this aspect of the interviewing ?

Problem 2 : what do you think of the scales I've chosen ? The goal being to pinpoint that it is the effects of the intervention (i.e. identification of positive traits in past situations of adversity) that lowers depression and increases positive affect.

Problem 3 : I recognize the biais that the interviews and the rapport created between myself and the participants in this therapeutic context could in and of itself be the factor that lowers depression and raises positive effect. I do not see how to distinguish in the results the effects of the intervention and the therapeutic relationship. Does it seem feasible in a thesis research project to simply identify this biais ?

I truly would appreciate your help with this. Unfortunately my thesis professor has not been able to give me enough guidance with this dilemma. Any recommendations are welcome !

Thanks in advance


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