Dear Experts: I am a first year PhD student majoring in human resources management, I am confused about choosing a topic for my PhD thesis. So can you give me some ideas ?
What can be of more help is for you to check top journals on HRM … list 10 topics and then start narrowing them down to one that suits your research … it’s difficult to choose a topic for someone when you don’t even know what their concept is. Wish you success on your PhD
Thank you for your help. I am thinking about green practices or artificial intelligence topics in human resources management, but the problem is that I cannot conduct a field study of these topics in my country Algeria.
Si usted no tiene una orientación inicial lo mejor es que haga una búsqueda sobre los temas más importantes y que sean necesarios y además viables en su contexto. Le sugiero esclarecer primero sus intereses y si está insertado en alguna organización o empresa, pues comenzar por sus necesidades o problemáticas.
Si el interés de investigación no está asociado a ningún espacio en particular, entonces al menos que sea novedoso o tenga puntos de contacto con otras del conocimiento, eso lo hace interesante y nuevo, como los temas que mencionaste, pero si no son viables en tu espacio, podrías reconsiderar.
Puedes adentrarte en temas más del funcionamiento, de la organización del trabajo, de las relaciones interpersonales, que como son temas subjetivos y siempre particulares. Por ejemplo:
La influencia de la cultura organizacional en la eficiencia de la gestión de los RRHH.
El comportamiento organizacional como facilitador de la gestión de los RRHH.
La gestión del capital humano como sistema integrado.
El impacto de los proceso de socialización en la gestión de RRHH a largo plazo.
I'd recommend exploring labor issues in your country, if any, where you can have an impact. For example, if there is a high unemployment rate, what skills do they need today to enter into the job market? Or any other topic where you can be a contribution through your research.
I used to be involved in managing people working as virtual project teams as a lecturer and researcher. Perhaps you can find this direction interesting and worth exploring in your PhD thesis. Here you can find the link to one of my articles: . If you want to contact me you can use this address: [email protected]
I would suggest that you you should think of a topic that is about designing a Framework that manages:
1. Employee retention in work organisations.
2. Employee turnover intentions in work organizations, or
3. Employee dissatisfaction arising from poor leadership in work organisations.
Finally, I would like to suggest that you should consider discussing any idea of a proposed topic, with the person who may have been allocated to assist you by your academic instruction, in this regard.
Pick up a text in human resources management, critically look at the topic in that text, every topic is a researchable topic: eg career management and organizational performance is selected manufacturing firms
You may choose to have a Thesis on Developing Understanding of Employee Engagement in any given Industry under stressful conditions, such as, current Pandemic.
Hello Fatma. FIrst thing to think about is, you are, as you say, a first-year PhD student. Depending on the PhD program and how it works, I would say in most programs you have some time to make this decision. Many students come into PhD programs having already decided what they plan to study for their dissertations, but even most of them do not know what direction to go with it. Not all students in their first year (or second or even third year, depending on program) know what they are going to study, and that is OK. THat said, here are a few suggestions that may help you.
1.much of this decision should be based on identifying the gap in the research and seeing what knowledge can be further developed.
2. Some PhD programs unofficially "require" that the student research is based on what the lab/advisor/sponsor is researching, or something closely related.
3. If #2 above does not apply, first and foremost, I would recommend researching something that is truly interesting or near and dear to your heart (if you have something like that that is HR-related). If you are genuinely interested or connected to the topic, it can get you through those hard times during the research where you may feel overwhelmed, burned out, or just tired. If you are passionate about the topic, you may find a natural drive to push through difficulties.
4. Sometimes, we learn and pick up ideas during our classes (again, program -dependent, because some PhD programs do not have a class-to-research structure). If you are in a PhD program that has courses as part of the curriculum, you will often find that assigned reading of journal articles will spawn your interests and understanding of not only what the research trend might be, but also what has been done, what needs to be done, and perhaps what type of methodological approaches interest you.
5. You are in HR, so one way to find an answer is to read a few of the journals that are related to organizational sciences and HR. You may want to scan HRDR, AHRD, OD Journal, OD Review, Administrative Sciences Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Human Relations, Human Resources Development Quarterly, Human Resources Management Journal, Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, Journal of Human Resources, International Journal of Human Resource Management, European Journal of Training and Development, Journal of Applied Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, and Industrial Relations. Those are a few examples, but scanning the past couple of years of these journals and the topics of research that have been performed may spark some interest, and reading the articles you are interested in (and looking at their references) will also give you some clue regarding what has been done, what's trending in the field, and the manner in which the research is being performed.
There are many ways that students settle on their research projects, and even some of the student colleagues that you have that may be certain about their projects will end up doing something different. My doctoral research topics, for example, change a few times between arrival to the program and the time I was ready to work on a dissertation.
1. How customer care promotes organizational growth. This would include leadership role and leadership styles.
2. How personnel conduct promotes organizational success
3. Topics related to solving the problem of Unemployment
4. Look at how much resources lost by organizations resulting from the number of employees put on sick leave affect the growth of an enterprise.
5. Explore whether or not; more women in organizations promote or limit growth (consider frequent; pregnancies, births, leaves, amongst others)
There is much more to explore.
Noting that chosing a topic is a function of passion and irritation of the problem to solve by the researcher, you remain the best pivot in framing your topic.
1. How customer care promotes organizational growth. This would include leadership role and leadership styles.
2. How personnel conduct promotes organizational success
3. Topics related to solving the problem of Unemployment
4. Look at how much resources lost by organizations resulting from the number of employees put on sick leave affect the success of an enterprise.
5. Explore whether or not; more women in organizations promote or limit growth (consider frequent; pregnancies, births, leaves, amongst others).
There is much more to explore.
Noting that chosing a topic is a function of passion and irritation of the problem to solve by the researcher, you remain the best pivot in framing your topic.
Perceived organizational support and psychological effects of coronavirus as two mediating variables in the relationship between human resource maintenance programs and workplace happiness
The world is shifting to the concept "Go Green"...So, Green human resource management is a hot topic now as most manufacturing industries trying to achieve sustainability goals.
I am Dr. AGU O. AGU a Human Resources Management expert : succession planning and family business a study of selected small and medium scale enterprises
Having fought my way through my PhD studies focusing on a topic no-one at my institution had any interest or expertise in, my heartfelt recommendation is this:
Focus your PhD on whatever topic where you can get support and co-authors from your supervisors and institution at large.
I'm not suggesting you plant your feet in someone else's turf, simply that you choose your topic, method, angle etc. in such a way that you won't stand totally alone.
Good luck.
P.S. A lot of people here recommended some very timely (pandemic-related) topics. I would not. Firstly because we all hope that the topics will not be timely when you graduate. Secondly, if you're in your first year you'll probably wont get started in data gathering before the flap is over.
Perceived organizational support and psychological effects of coronavirus as two mediating variables in the relationship between human resource maintenance programs and workplace happiness
Fatma Benslimane you can have any topic in the HRM (covering one or all five M's: Men, Money, Machinery, Material, and Manpower Planning).
The topic is not important, it is the research question arising from the gap identified in the literature. The title of thesis should not be the starting point, but the last step.
Some of the really good probing research problems could be:
Are the causes and consequences of Knowledge Hiding different for different genders?
How the industry 4.0 impact the employees' performance? Exploring from the lens of Human Resource Management.
How the abusive behavior of the supervisor affect the psychological capital of young graduates?
Is Innovative work behavior resultant of own creativity, leadership influence or fast paced environmental pressure?
There are many interesting and probing questions, but you have to decide what really excites you.
Note: Gap in the literature and research agenda should be considered.
There is an area of HRM that has been neglected overtime; managing Personnel information and archiving. In this area, you consider; secretariat duties including filling, documentation, amongst many.
You could also look at; the contributing role of company's employees to the growth of an organization.
One recommendation I have, besides the numerous good answers so many already privided here, is to really pick a topic the you personally have a lot of interest in and an area in which you want to make in impact. If gou are passionate about a topic, and about the research, it can get you through some of those tough dissertation analysis and writing times. If its something you’re passionate about, it will also be more interesting when you read and scour the hundreds of research articles for lit review and theoretical perspective.
Besides that, there are some good articles regarding what makes research interesting. They’re oldies but goodies. You may want to give them a read. Onre is by Murray Davis, and the other by Jean Bartunek. They talk about how to make sure your research work and/or writing are interesting, and stand out.
Asking other people for their ideas as fine, but it's better to rely on your own interests and resources: you're going to be living with this venture for several years.
Interest: scan the literature, including previous dissertations: what grabs you? Discuss and argue possibilities with your lecturers; with your friends. Brainstorm, construct relevance trees and decision trees, do morphological analyses, see whats been done already by Googling and check the direction of current citations (basically, your eventual literature review starts now!). (Jankowicz A.D. Business Research Projects Southwestern Publishing 4th edition 2005 pp23-27.)
Doing it in-company as a mature employee? Talk with your boss, and with head of HR/training, about what would be good for the company; avoid if you hate it, grab with open arms if it sounds interesting.
Next: apply doability criteria: how much do you know about it already; how; difficult is it likely to be; availability of supervisory expertise; ease of access to empirical data; potential financial costs; time required for completion.
Glad to follow up to find a good dissertation title.
To determine a good title that depends on the quantity of work or quality.
If your approach is quantitative, you should look for your topic among new articles that have a conceptual model, identify research gaps and insert them into a variable, discover a new conceptual model, and title from that model. Select.
I suggest working on digital currencies and their impact on human resources.
The emerging employee value proposition and the impact of it on HR and the organisation. Areas to include e.g. Covid, new work 'generations', emerging leadership paradigms, why, in general, we value work and how we define it, etc.
As artificial intelligence has become the order of the day and is being discussed widely, in the present scenario, it will be relevant to compare Employee engagement in the wake of artificial intelligence.
I agree with Dr Patcha Bhujanga Rao As artificial intelligence has become the order of the day and is being discussed widely, in the present scenario, it will be relevant to compare Employee engagement in the wake of artificial intelligence
A fascinating new book has just been published - Jan Lucassen, The Story of Work (a New History of Humankind). From peasant farmers in the first agrarian societies to the precarious existence of today’s gig workers, this surprising account of both cooperation and subordination at work throws essential light on the opportunities we face today.
Hi @ Fatma Benslimane, I hope it is not too late to answer.
Ethical change management, Talent Management and Knowledge Management could be practical for human resource management to improve organisational performance through mediating the role of job satisfaction. Kindly visits the links.
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Article The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction Between the Relatio...
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