Dear Kim! I am afraid it is mistake because requied energy for chemical reaction is located in low energy spectra (0-200)^0 Сelcius degree. Under UF light illumination the photochemical reactions begin. Under x-ray radiation the global destruction of molecules starts with majority of chain unknown reactions. But with usual 2-frequency laser when their frequency emission difference is located in the vibrational spectra of molecules You really can reach some definite chemical reaction and I wish any succes on this way.
X-ray lasers were part of Reagan's star wars program- never quite worked; nevertheless, as mentioned, they may burn thru things/bring down satelites/missiles (in principle) but not so good as a catalyst. Chemical reactions happen at much lower energies.
Yes, you can. As Eugene wrote, see e.g.
This activity is in progress at FERMI and the TIMER beamline is dedicated to four wave mixing at VUV and soft X-ray wavelengths. You may also check this link for perspectives