You can get the names and values of the parameters of any block in Simulink by executing get_param() in MATLAB command line for the Simulink block.
for instance, for a Fuel Cell Stack (assuming this is the block you are referring to), you may run the following code to obtain the properties of the Fuel Cell block called 'FCS' in a model named 't_fuel_cell' (you'll need to change the first two lines in order to make it work):
model = 't_fuel_cell'; %change this name to your Simulink model name
block_name = 'FCS'; %change this to Fuel Cell block name or rename the % block to FCS
now Block_Properties contains the names and parameters of the fuel cell block, for example, TOp refers to Operating Temperature, or n refers to the nominal stack efficiency.
you can now change the parameters of the cell by running set_param(), the example below shows how you can change the value of the nominal stack efficiency to 60:
>> set_param([model,'/',block_name],'n','60')
i usually run the Simulink model using a variety of parameters for sensitivity analysis or optimization purposes, changing parameters in a loop and using run(model) at the end of the loop to monitor the output.
remember that the values of set_param() must be in string format, so a num2str(A) may be needed for an integer value of A.