No, You can not use HWE, because it means wheather genotype frequency is not changed from generation to generation, but if there are both homozygotes in population than for sure in next generation will appear heterozygots and HWE will be not true.
You can use the equation, but not to test for HWE. If you assume that your population is in HWE, you can calculate the frequency of your recessive allele (q) and since p+q=1 you can determine p. From that you can then estimate p2, 2pq and q2. This is the procedure that researchers using dominant markers (i.e. RAPDS, AFLP, ISSR) have used to estimate heterozygosity, but this assumes that your data is in HWE, which is frequently not a good assumption. If you can not distinguish homozygous and heterozygous genotypes with your multiplex PCR, it would seem like the best route is to analyze your data based on total genotype and/or like you are using a dominant marker.
You can calculate gene frequency in the population depending on the genotype frequency of homozygous recessive ( aa ) and heterozygous frequency will be 2pq .