I am using organizational performance as dependent variable, and I would like to use the job-stress as tool for measuring the organizational performance. This means the job stress will not be a dimension of DV its only instrument measurement.
It may be easier to just say the DV is job stress. rather than trying to use it as an index of performance. if you are interested in stress, say so. But stress is a negative measure, you will want a positive measure for performance even if this is the only thing you are interested in. well being? moral? satisfaction?
I am using the organizational context as an Independent variable and organizational performance as dependent variable.
We know that measuring organizational performance can be either by financial or non-financial or we can use the humanities as well.
Quality of work life (QWL) – (humanities) is one of the indicators of healthy organization and healthy organization means the organizational performance is high.
The recent studies mentioned that job-stress is one of the most important factors in QWL.
If the Job-stress is high, that’s mean the organization is not healthy, which means organizational performance is low.
On the other side, If the Job-stress is low that’s mean the organization is healthy, which means organizational performance is High
OK the core of my question is from here:
Job-stress will not be used in this research as a DV it’s only a tool for measuring DV (Organizational performance) and I’m Thinking to use NIOSH model and questionnaire.
The question is: the way I’m doing the research is it acceptable, since I am using Job-stress as a measurement tool only.
You will ask why I’m using the negative indicator like (Job-stress), because I would like to do something completely different from the other researchers and I want to see is it valuable enough to look after the job-stress to save the organizational performance or we just have to keep look after job satisfaction or motivations or any other factor.
By the way, my data unit is an Airline company.
Sharing your knowledge and helping me on this is very high appreciated
I'm studing HR, and my thesis is somehow related ro organizational performance. As I've studied up to now, turnover and absentism are two important measures for appraising HR effect on organizational performance. Huselid (1998), talked about job satisfaction as an instrumental variabel for turnover and absentism.
But your case is interesting. Maybe you can present a new model for organizational performance. But, as a master student, I suggest you study about the litterature carefully, maybe you can find some good wittness for your subject. Specially, cause your research approach is inductive be careful ... maybe, you don't achieve any meaningful result...
But as I know grounded theory is a useful research strategy for those who are interested in new things ... new science .... new ways in scientific thinking .... and your approach is inductive. It's risky, but it's your choice. You want to present a new model.
As Saunders (2009) said, in Inductive mayebe, while you are analysing your data you found that it has no meaning. So, it means that when using Inductive you must accept some degree of risk that is related to your research approach.
This question is very creative but, if there were a positive correlation between the two variables: performance (independant variable), stress (dependant variable) that would be very scary, because most certainly companies would be tempted to exploit it. A natural level of stress does increase performance as it demonstrates we are contentious about our work. Too much stress leads to medical problems.
I would hypothesis that the relationship does have a positive correlation but that at some point the utility of imposing stress on employees would have a diminishing affect. Ethically speaking, if it were found that companies were openly employing this as part of a competitive strategy, I would imagine labour boards would be knocking at the door.
Actually, nowadays with organizational behaviour research there is organization diagnosis and clinical management
actually i am working on this.
by the way, till now all the researchers refer to the high correlation between stress and performance, but how if we use stress as an instrument of measuring performance but not as a variable (here is the question and here is the the research risk)
There are several ways of examining stress levels:
There are many valid and reliable stress surveys available and used by clinical psychiatrists and life insurance companies as per regular assessment policies. So finding an appropriate way of administering the surveys would be the key challenge. Medium and Large organizations could make the surveys available on the intra-net and work toward getting monthly replies. To avoid bias; through various means of engagement employees could access the site on a anonymous basis as part of the company's employee-health protection or assessment strategy.....or something to this affect.
The data would then have to be correlated to see if relationships exist. Most modern organizations have performance metrics that can be utilized.
In small businesses a different dynamic is present. Surveys could still be applied, but generally everyone knows each other. Therefore, a qualitative assessment would be more cost-effective.
I recommend caution, you don't want to be know as the pro-stress employer.