10 February 2022 3 497 Report

I have taken a protein and because of its larger size I have taken the residues around the active center. Because of this, there are missing residues and the residues are not in chain. I want to run MD simulation for this modelled protein but in the first step of generating mol2 files using antechamber, I am getting a fatal error as follows:

Welcome to antechamber 21.0: molecular input file processor.

acdoctor mode is on: check and diagnose problems in the input file.

The atom type is set to gaff; the options available to the -at flag are

gaff, gaff2, amber, bcc, and sybyl.

-- Check Format for pdb File --

Status: pass

Warning: Detected more than 10 Residue sequence numbers;

this may be a large multiple residue PDB file;

large multiple residue PDB files are not supported.

This warning usually indicates a conceptual misunderstanding.

We recommend reviewing the Information flow in Amber documentation

and the antechamber tutorials.

Continuing, but problems may be encountered.

Info: The number of atoms (2560) exceeded MAXATOM.

Warning: Detected more than 10 Residue sequence numbers;

this may be a large multiple residue PDB file;

large multiple residue PDB files are not supported.

This warning usually indicates a conceptual misunderstanding.

We recommend reviewing the Information flow in Amber documentation

and the antechamber tutorials.

Continuing, but problems may be encountered.

Info: Determining atomic numbers from atomic symbols which are case sensitive.

-- Check Unusual Elements --

Status: pass

-- Check Open Valences --

Status: pass

-- Check Geometry --

for those bonded

/opt/amber20-mpi/amber20/bin/antechamber: line 9: 14993 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $AMBERHOME/bin/wrapped_progs/antechamber "$@"

I am doing this from antechamber tutorial: http://ambermd.org/tutorials/basic/tutorial4b/

How can I do antechamber with my protein?

Thanks in advance



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