Space-time can be quantized by explaining its ultimate composition (and that of everything in it, including the brain) as electronic BITS or BInary digiTS which are extended to topology's Mobius strips and figure-8 Klein bottles to better understand space, mass and gravitation. Then Wick rotation is added to better understand time, dark matter and dark energy. The above is explored in more detail in my article in the OSP Journal of Physics and Astronomy, who accepted it for publication a few months ago. A reviewer brought my attention to quaternions and spinors. So I added a section called "QUATERNIONS, SPINORS AND WICK ROTATION RELATED TO TWO-DIMENSIONAL VECTOR-TENSOR-SCALAR (VTS) GEOMETRY". A copy of the article is attached. It can also be found on the website titled "Preprints".

If the brain and the universe are ultimately composed of binary digits, we'll someday be able to do the same things with the brain and universe that we now do with computers.

We'll be able to record and share any information in any part of the brain. We'll be able to transfer (download) the brain's contents into another body or an android - infinite times if necessary - and thus say hello to immortality.

When quantum mechanics and General Relativity are united into quantum gravity or the Theory of Everything, we'll have access to everything in space and time. Then we can upload the products of the brain's frontal cortex anywhere to influence anything. We can either add to it (mimicking a computer's copy/paste function), remove (delete) part of it, or change the way it proceeds (reprogram it).

I don't think it'll be possible to change history or to reprogram something to behave differently from the way future history has recorded. This is because I believe time can be visualized as a Cosmic DVD where our brains and consciousnesses take the place of the DVD player's laser. This is plausible if we accept the Block Universe theory which developed from Special Relativity's non-simultaneity of events for different observers. In the Block Universe, all time coexists (the entire past, the present, and every point in the future all exist at once). Everything in the Cosmic DVD's time exists at once but we're only aware of an extremely limited number of events at any instant (these make up our present).

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