In a PIR (Pediatrics in Review), mention was made of the use of Salbutamol in crisis (Give an oral dose to prevent the small patient progressing to get worse), for some years we use it with good results, the situation is to adapt to the patient. It is a matter of educating parents and patients so that the nebulizations and aerosols are accepted.
En un PIR (Pediatrics in Review), se mencionó el uso de Salbutamol en crisis (Dar una dosis oral para evitar que el paciente pequeño progrese a agravarse), durante algunos años lo utilizamos con buenos resultados, la situación es adaptarse al paciente. Es cuestión de educar a padres y pacientes para que las Nebulizaciones y aerosoles sean aceptados.
When you have everything within reach, it is not the same as working in a country's economic crisis situation, and you are in a village. you will have to use either adrenaline SC or oral Salbutamol, because you only have those medicines to use them, so many say that it is not used, worse is that the patient progresses to aggravate and die. Experience is not an accident. Another thing is a 4th Clinic. level where you can use nebulizations, do spirometries, put Helio up, and put it in assisted ventilation, with modern protocols. We were pioneers in the use of Aerosols and nebulizers and to be accepted have passed more than 10 years.
Al Garhoud Hospital no exist in ResearchGate¿¿¿¿¿¿??????
Cuando se tiene todo al alcance, no es lo mismo que trabajar en situación de crisis económica de un país, y estas en una aldea. tendras que usar o adrenalina SC o Salbutamol oral, porque solo tienes esas medicinas para usarlas, así muchos digan que no se usa, peor es que el paciente progrese a agravarse y muera. La experiencia no es un accidente. Otra cosa es un Una Clínica de 4to. nivel donde puedes usar nebulizaciones, hacer espirometrías, ponerle hasta Helio, y ponerlo en ventilación asistida, con los protocolos modernos. Fuimos pioneros en el uso de Aerosoles y nebulizadores y para que sea aceptado han pasado más de 10 años.
Al Garhoud Hospital certainly does exist..It is near the Wellcare hospital and the airport in Dubai.A medium sized well designed friendly active hospital.
Back to oral salbutamol I suppose it might be better than nothing if there is no alternative,but there are possible side effects most commonly tremor.Like zaditen it is 1 medication that is no longer used in the west , but I am still seeing it used sometimes in the Middle East.
Thank you John Denis Hardy for pointing out Al Garhoud Hospital
The Zaditen in Ecuador stopped bringing it, but there are generics, its side effect was drowsiness, as far as I remember was very useful to give it in food allergies. A neumologist pediatrician had good experiences to prevent crises, but when the patient had a crisis, this was very serious. Without arriving at UCI. I currently do not prescribe ketotifen.
Gracias John Denis Hardy por indicar donde queda Al Garhoud Hospital
El Zaditen en Ecuador lo dejaron de traer, su efecto colateral era somnolencia, hasta donde recuerdo fue muy útil para darlo en alergias alimentarias. Un colega neumologo pediatra tenía buenas experiencias para prevenir crisis, pero cuando el paciente tenía una crisis, esta resultaba muy grave. Sin llegar a UCI. En la actualidad no prescribo ketotifeno