Can we consider atmospheric rivers as long, narrow and concentrated structures of water vapor in the region? And this factor is associated with the intensity of rainfall and floods?

Near arid and semi-arid areas are more vulnerable to this phenomenon, so this study aims to identify and introduce the highest amount of rainfall during the presence of atmospheric rivers from November to April (2007-2018) while showing the importance of this phenomenon. Analyze the synergistic factors affecting heavy rains and introducing the areas affected by them. Slowly, to identify atmospheric rivers, vertical integrated water vapor flux data were used and thresholds were recorded on them. Practical. The occurrence date of each atmospheric rivers was investigated with their daily rainfall, and ten stations of the most rainfall events (equivalent to the 95th percentile of maximum rainfall) related to atmospheric rivers were introduced and analyzed. The South Garam has been directly and indirectly the main source of atmospheric rivers associated with heavy rainfall. The source of most of these atmospheric rivers is at the top of the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Horn of Africa. Synonymously, the origin of 7 cases was from the Sudanese low-pressure atmospheric rivers and in the remaining three cases, integrated systems. The dominant dynamic in the upper Wordsphere for river formation and consistency has been the moving atmospheric jet. In the Sudanian systems, the dominant structure of the meridional gradient jet is oriented and in the integration systems. Due to the dominance of the strong upstream current in the vicinity of the highest flux, the moisture of the heavy convective currents has caused extremely heavy rainfall and the station with the highest rainfall is in the east and northwest of the negative omega field or the upstream currents.

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