I am using some sugars like glucose, sucrose for my experiments. If I prepare a stock solution of sucrose can I store the solution in the refrigerator for further use or should I keep the solution at room temperature?
In principle sucrose in water is stable. There are two possible causes for change in composition: microbial deterioration and evaporation of water. Both processes are reduced at lower temperature. That means that refrigerated storage is preferred over storage at room temperature. Ensure that the storage vessel is well sealed. Microbial deterioration is limited by using distilled water.
Frequent sampling from the stock solution may promote contamination. Eventual changes in solution composition can be monitored by measuring its refractive index.
If making very highly concentrated solutions the solubility as a function of temperature has to be taken into account.
The sucrose solution can be stored for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator in a container with a lid. Storing sugar is as easy as keeping it away from moisture, and in an airtight container. It can be stored in a cool, dark place like a pantry, or in the fridge or the deep freeze. ... For all types of sugar, an airtight container or packaging is all that is needed. https://www.livestrong.com/article/284024-how-to-prepare-sucrose-solutions/