7 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Behera Susrisweta
Tris HCL is commonly known as an acidic buffer. But can we say TRIS buffer as an amino acid buffer? Amino acids are defined as an organic compound that contains amine and carboxyl functional...
20 March 2022 5,831 3 View
I want to perform some experiments with sugars like (sucrose, etc) although it is said that sucrose should be stored at low temperatures. But will there be any issue if I prepare the sample 1day...
18 February 2022 3,201 4 View
I am using some sugars like glucose, sucrose for my experiments. If I prepare a stock solution of sucrose can I store the solution in the refrigerator for further use or should I keep the solution...
07 February 2022 4,773 5 View
Hi, I need speciation diagrams for my compounds. I know about a few software like "React" and "maple" for drawing speciation diagrams which are for a trial period. Also, I need a script that can...
18 June 2021 6,895 0 View
Could anyone suggest to me the eutectics of these carboxylic acid buffers and the relevant articles related to the eutectic points of buffer solutions?
19 April 2021 9,188 0 View
PBS buffer pH value is about 7.4 and Now a days the biologists use PBS buffer tablets which have a concentration of 0.1M and pH 7.4.Although PBS is made up of four constituents ( NaCl, KCl,...
09 January 2021 3,605 2 View
What are the common concentration of PBS buffer mostly used by the biologists and what is the buffering capacity of PBS buffer?
01 January 1970 2,650 3 View