i need to analyze rainfall data in which I want to Identifying the frequency of rainfall relationship with the amount of rain.. Is there any good statistic method that i can use to identify this??
The simplest way to study frequency with magnitude of a given variable is to plot a histogram of the variable. If you have a dataset with rainfall data, say, 'rainf', you can plot the histogram in R using the command: hist(rainf,breaks=10). The argument 'breaks' gives you the number of bins in the x-axis (rainfall magnitude).
thank you for your suggestion.. but can i ask u 1 more ? because im still no clearly understand.. ok.. if i use His in R command... then can i get the relationship btwen frequency of rain day wit the amount of rainfall(mm) as i have a set of 33 years of daily rainfall data for 1 station... means that how can i get the ans of the relationship bet this?
I am attaching a histogram of maximum daily wind speed calculated from 66 years of records at Sydney airport (Australia). The x-axis is the speed magnitude in m/s, the y-axis gives the frequency (how many times) that magnitude appears in the dataset using bins of 1 m/s. For instance, speeds between 9 and 10 m/s appears 24000 times, it is the peak of the distribution. A series of parameters of the dataset, which provides further information on the data distribution, are printed on the right hand side. As you can see this histogram gives a lot of information about your data. Observe that the mean of the distribution is located at 12.4 m/s while the maximum value of wind speed is 42.2 m/s.
thank you for ur response... i surely will try as b4 this im using R studio to do all my statistic work... i also not very familiar using any software.. so thanx again Gil :)
We have developed a resampling technique that allows generating long time-series and preserve complex patterns of rainfall frequency and intensity. This way you can derive more robust stats and uncertainty quantification.
Here you find a tutorial to use the same technique with a free software: