25 August 2015 15 10K Report

The procedure for total Ca estimation says that a known quantity of sample mixture was dissolved using conc. HCl & diluted to make up to 100 ml with H2O. From this solution, 20 ml were pipetted out and ammonia buffer was added to maintain the pH 9-10. Then it was titrated against std. EDTA solution using EBT as an indicator. The end point is wine red/ pink colour to blue colour.

If we suspect that our sample mixture contains Mg, NaOH/KOH was need to be added to increase the pH above 10. So that all the Mg will be precipitated as Mg(OH)2.

But I found that while using pure CaCO3 sample at pH > 10, there is a precipitation and the filtrate consumes negligible volume of EDTA. It means all the Ca are precipitated as Ca(OH)2. Why?

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