I repeatedly get this message when I try to run a path diagram:
F_A_T_A_L E_R_R_O_R: Error occured when reading a SYSTEM data file.
When the file is on my pc, LISREL can't find the files. My solution was to use a USB instead. It used to work, but now it doesn't. I get the message from above.
When I'm drawing the path diagram, Lisrel reads the variables from the file correctly When I try to run the analysis, it fails.
I have tried this:
-Reducing the amount of folders to see if that was the issue.
-Deleting/renaming any other files with the same name.
-Shortening the original name to "datos" so that it's simpler for the progam to find.
-Using 2 different USB memories.
-Creating and using other prelis databases in case the original file was corrupted.
Any ideas?
This is what I always get:
The following lines were read from file C:\Users\fapb_\Documents\Modelo 1.SPJ:
Set Path
SYSTEM FILE from file 'D:\Datos.psf'
F_A_T_A_L E_R_R_O_R: Error occured when reading a SYSTEM data file.
Thanks in advance!