My question is regarding rt-pcr: I am trying to quantify the mRNA levels of a particular gene of my interest in the G1, S and G2/M phase of the cell cycle. However as i have read a housekeeping gene requirement for relative quantification, and found that all the three generally used house keeping genes..tubulin,/actin/ribosomal rna are changing in the different phases of the cell cycle....what should i do in order to quantify my genes expression?

Is it acceptable if I take equal amounts of initial RNA of each phase >> convert to cDNA>> spike each sample with the same amount of an exogenous dna (purified plasmid) that contains a gene not present in my particular organism of study>> perform pcr using sybr green and quantify using DDCt  method using the equation:

DCt  = Ct (gene of interest) - Ct (exogenous plastmid gene)

DDCt  = [ DCt](S  PHASE) -  [ DCt](G1 PHASE)   & [ DCt](G2/M  PHASE) -  [ DCt](G1 PHASE)   

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