I do TD-opt calculations for geometry optimization in excited state, and I get this error: You need to solve for more vectors in order to follow this state.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /..../.../g09/l914.exe.
Its almost a general error in time dependent quantum methods and depends on your input job file.Can i have your input files or at least more description?
General cause of this error is discussed in ccl.net.
I also got the same error messege during excited state calculation in solvent in G09. My input was # td b3lyp/6-31g(d) scrf=(solvent=methanol). please help me I'm new in this field.
Error termination in l914.exe followed by "NIJ> Max2 in MMCore" failure message is usually related to the memory allocation bug for large systems in gaussian revision B and earlier. Fortunately this problem has been solved in gaussian revision C.
Recently, I also bumped into the same problem; this is how I resolved it,
Error "No map to state **, you need to resolve more vectors" messages.
This error implies that you didn't add sufficient excited states in the TDDFT or CIS calculation. The "nstates=N" option in the "TD" or "CIS" keywords indicates how many excited states to enter in an excited state energy calculation. If this is not defined, the default value will be "States=3". The prescribed value is to include at least of 2 or 3 more states than the state of concern. Hence, if you want to achieve a geometry optimization for excited state 5, for instance, use at least using "nstates=7" or "nstates=8". The excited state geometry optimization will follow smoothly.
#Input before the error for Optimizing the Excited states:
I had a similar problem when calculating electronic spectra in the Gaussian09 version A. The problem was solved when the calculation was performed using the Gaussian09 - version D.
I faced the same error in optimizing the excited state. First I run it for 5 states and the state of interest is one, but it was terminated as an error. and the 7 states also show the same. But in 9 states it will work, but there is an oscillation between two states in order to identify the oscillation you will check the value of the predicted change in energy will repeat, for mine, it is repeated for every four sets of calculation. So, my point is when we increase the number of states for this error it may work.