I am looking at mother-infant interaction in young children (aged 7-15 months), with hearing impairment and other additional/complex needs, using video recording of dyad's interaction.
The free bit in this request is the problem. The CARE-Index from Pat Crittenden is very adaptable but does need training in the scoring and reliability procedures and so costs money. You may well find a local coder who is not too expensive (the coding is not lengthy for a 3 minute video section) and then the process of videoing and getting good information on the relational functionality of the dyadic behaviour will be facilitated. Good Luck!
Your University is home to Dr Kasia Kozlowska. Dr. Kozlowska is Clinical Associate Professor, Paediatrics & Child Health, Children's Hospital, Westmead. She has written a paper with Drs. Crittenden and Landini ( http://ccp.sagepub.com/content/15/2/185 ), and a book chapter with Dr. Landini. She is a trainer in the use and coding of the CARE-Index. Your University Library has "Raising Parents" Chapter 17 discusses Dr. Crittenden's CARE-Index. The book "Assessing Adult Attachment" with Dr. Landini discusses the DMM coding system in depth; if you can access the text see chapters two (Theory) and three (Information Processing). Possibly Dr. Kozlowska has incorporated training on the DMM into her existing coursework along with coding of the various evaluation/assessment tools, including the CARE-Index, for students and interested faculty at the University. good luck!
Hi! I came across a new publication about a maternal cognitive sensitivity measure that seemed very interesting and not too complex. The authors avertised that it can be easily trained. I think it could be worthwhile to check it out. I'm sure you can contact the authors. Here is the citation: PRime, Browne, Akbari, Wade, Madigan, Jenkins (2014). The development of a measure of maternal cognitive sensitivity appropriate for use une primary care health settings. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. It's a publication ahead of print.