I think the schrondiger package should be able to accomplish this; however, obtaining an academic or free version takes work, but it is worthwhile to attempt. In addition, UCSF chimera look promising too. I'll communicate right away if I come across another tool.
Deepview (https://spdbv.unil.ch/) is my personal favourite on the PC, but mostly because I have been using it for many years and know how to achieve things in that program. Unfortunately, there has not been any development for a while.
If you want to use one of the 3D-goggles that are sold for gaming (Quest, Vive), try Nanome (https://home.nanome.ai/setup). A truly hands-on, amazing experience!
There are many tools available to view, model and edit 3D protein structures at no cost. Some of the best tools include:
LiteMol: 3D macromolecular viewer
ChemDoodle: 2D sketcher, 3D viewer and publisher
NGL Viewer: WebGL viewer for molecular visualization
GLMol: Molecular viewer on WebGL
Speck: Interactive molecular dynamics visualizer
HTMD: A programming environment for molecular discovery
Miew – 3D molecular viewer by EPAM (Med3Web)
iView: Interactive WebGL visualizer for protein-ligand complex
PyMOL is also a popular tool that can be used to view, model, and edit 3D protein structures at no cost2. You can also try Rasmol and Jalview which allow you to visualize the protein MSA, the phylogenetic tree, and the protein structure at the same time, with interactions between the 3 windows.