As i got the answer saying i could use purposive sampling for quantitative research, can anyone send me a link that i could justify why i use purposive sampling method in a quantitative study. Thank you for your support
1-Memon, M. A., Ting, H., Ramayyah, T., Chuah, F., & Cheah, J.-H. (2017). A Review of the Methodological Misconceptions and Guidelines Related to the Application of Structural equation modeling: A Malaysian scenario. Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling, 1(1), 1–13.
2-Sarstedt, M., Bengart, P., Shaltoni, A. M., & Lehmann, S. (2017). The use of sampling methods in advertising research: a gap between theory and practice. International Journal of Advertising, 487(July), 1–14
The most purposive sampling design that I know of is the case -control ( or case comparison) study where you select on the outcome. That is you chose people with the disease and those without (they may be matched on somethings like age and sex)and then see how they differ in their exposure ( eg exposed to radiation or not). Despite this deliberate selection there is extensive use of modelling and inferential approaches to such data eg
by N. E. Breslow and N. E. Day Statistical Methods in Cancer Research: Volume II: Jan 1987
There are some rqeuiremenst eg the diseased and the un-diseased must have had the same opportunity to be exposed. Bur clearly you do not have to always have a Simple Random Sample.
Of course, you need to justify and explain the procols by which your sample has been selected If you want to makes generalisable claims.
The purposive sampling technique is a non-probability strategy that is used in qualitative research - exploratory or explanatory - where the unit(s) of analysis can be decisive in their explanation of phenomenon. In other words, the researcher believes these participant have knowledge of phenomenon that will be useful in understanding phenomenon. Still, a researcher may use purposive sampling in QUAN research, to identify, or choose cases, who will help answer research questions or achieve purpose of the study. Let's say you wanted to study the Effect of branding on hamburger sales in Saudi Arabia. I used Saudia Arabia, in this example, as I want to believe that there are fewer fast food chains than there are in the US. If, say, McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's are 3 such brands, the researcher would, purposely, choose them to participate in the study. This would be an instance, when purposive sampling would be appropriate for a QUAN study. In general, QUAN research is better served by probability sampling, to allow external validity.