On dark matter, dark energy and the Chinese Go model of cosmos evolution


In addition to the known universal gravitation,electromagnetic interaction,strong interaction and weak interaction,there are three basic interactions in nature,and there are three kinds of mediated mesons,one of which forms dark matter together with neutrinos,and the other two kinds of mediated mesons forms dark energy together with photons,which are based on this basis,This paper describes the Chinese Go model of cosmos evolution。


Special relativity;dark matter; dark energy; cosmos evolution; Chinese Go; general relativity;Supermassive black hole;Sight; gravitational wave;Cosmological constant


8. Discussion

Anthropic Principle requires that the Medium quality black hole and the supermassive black hole explode in a way that does not release huge amounts of energy in the galaxy like a supernova explosion (stellar seed). The Chinese Go model of cosmos evolution requires that supermassive black holes cannot be universally born from the stellar mass black hole s and Medium quality black holes by the original way of annexing stellar matter, or just like the evolution of the origin of life,once a supermassive black hole is born in the original way in a galaxies with relatively few dark matter microphoton, it will spread to the universe through a process similar to the division and genetic variation of living cells. The universe is infinite. In a corner, through the violent collision between supermassive black holes, can or can not let a supermassive black hole core“cosmic egg”(a ascending generation transition shell, a Photino cavity, and a changesphoton cavity)appear big bang of metric tensor (analogous to inflationary theory of Alan Guth, numerical drastic change of Λ ), and so on.

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