I am coating some gold electrodes with different amounts of carbon nanotubes (CNT) to create a more electroactive surface with increased surface area, and I am evaluating the electrode behavior with ferrocene. When I test scan rate dependence at the bare Au electrode and thin CNT coating, I see a very clear linear correlation between peak current (Ipa) and square root of scan rate, indicating a diffusion-controlled process. However, I think thicker layers of the CNT film require some amount of diffusion of ferrocene into the film for full saturated signal - therefore I used an accumulation time of 1 minute before each CV cycle when measuring scan rate at this thicker film. Now, I actually see a better linear fit between Ipa and scan rate (R2 = 0.999, vs. R2 = 0.981 for square root of scan rate), indicating that this is now an adsorption-controlled process. Any thoughts as to why this thicker film would make the reaction adsorption-controlled?

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