Book Energy Investments: An Adaptive Approach to Profiting from U...
If by financial analysis, you mean setting up your financial and economic models for calculation purposes, the answer is yes. In fact, as you will see in my new book, I have used Excel spreadsheets extensively to perform a variety of financial and economic models and analyses. You may access the book from the link above, or through by searching for ricardo g barcelona.
Absolutely Sir. Excel is a very powerful software and has immense capabilities. What we normally use is a a tenth of its power. Using pivot tables & macros, our young team of analysts work wonders with the data.
Yes sir you can do financial analysis with the help of Excel,
You can do Balance sheet, find different ratios with the help of different equation, Pivot table is beautiful tool of excel, You can also make a programme in Excel.
Excel is a very powerful tool for all kinds of financial analysis, including very advanced topics on portfolio management and asset allocation. Using the "Solver" function combined with matrix algebra techniques one can develop very advanced financial tools for portfolio management. In addition, the "Goal Seek" function is quite useful in many financial application, let alone the numerous built-in financial functions and calculators.
Yes, you can use Excel in financial analysis because it contains many of financial functions and tools which makes calculating financial ratios very easy, addition to statistical methods like standards deviation, variance, and connivance.