I conducted an EFA on four newly created measures: 1) awareness of inclusive teaching practices, 2) confidence in inclusive teaching practices, 3) reflection on inclusive teaching practices, and 4) likelihood to implement inclusive teaching practices. Together there are 64 items and I have a sample size of 210 (the sample size is 420, but split in half to conduct an EFA on a randomized half and a CFA on the other half).

Question: since these are new measures, should I have instead combined the four measures and conducted an EFA on all 64 items? (I am following recommendations of looking a factor loadings, variables per factor, and communality, all which are high - I recently started a new EFA with all 64 items). Or are there methodological reasons that conducting a separate EFA on each of these measures is acceptable? If so, could you provide references that I could cite?

Much of what I am finding is because these are newly created measures that I should have originally completed an EFA on all 64 items (i.e. the four measures).

Thank you, -Vanessa

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