I am analyzing fruit-set data (a binary response, so 1's and 0's only) from a pollination experiment. Five treatments were applied to flowers, one of which (pollinator exclusion) yielded no fruit-set in any of the manipulated flowers (i.e., the response was all 0's); all other treatments had varying levels of fruit-set (but not exclusively 0). I am using a binomial generalized linear model (with clog-log link function) to analyze the effect of the treatments (a categorical variable) on fruit-set, but the inclusion of 'pollinator exclusion' as a level in my treatments factor in the model produces results that are obviously erroneous. Omitting 'pollinator exclusion' as a treatment level produces expected model results.

Am I justified in excluding this '0's-only' factor level from my model, even though it was part of the original experimental design? If not, how can I overcome the havoc it wreaks on linear models?

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