After conducting a linear regression analysis of Interpretive Reading (Pre-test) scores (Table 12), the coefficient or Y-intercept associated with the pre-test scores, (0.696985136) is zero, and reveals that the variability in student outcomes cannot be explained by the regression of student gains and losses on pre-test scores. [KMR1]

Table 12

Regression Statistics 2018-2019 Interpretive Reading (Pre-test)


df SS MS F Significance F


Regression 1 0.2518046 0.2518046 3.82307706 0.06229235

Residual 24 1.58074512 0 .06586438

Total 25 1.83254972


Coefficients S.E t Stat

Intercept 0.367807236 0.2632517 1.39716947

-0.696985136 0.35646508 -1.955269051



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