Hello Group!

I fixed the cells with carnoy's fixative and cause the metaphase spread on the slide and stain it with Giemsa two weeks ago.

Now I want to destain the slide and stain the centromere by FISH. I destained it with 100% methanol for 5 mins. After drying, I add 5ul centromere Enumeration Probe mixture and cover with coverslip 22x22 mm^2 and seal with rubber cement. Denature sample and probe by heating the slide on a hot plate at 75 degree for 2mins. Then incubate it in humidified chamber in 37 degree for 2 hours.After that remove the coverslip, wash slide by 0.4xSSC in 72 degree for 2mins. Then wash by 2xSSC, 0.05% Tween-20 in RT. rinse briefly by aqua dest. Apply 10ul DAPI/antifade and cover the coverslip for 10mins.

But there is no green signal of centromere detected in DAPI mode in florescence microscope. I only can see the whole chromosome in blue.

May I know if any mistakes in my protocol?

Thanks a lot!

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