What is reality? The real is your own body and the environment. You can change the processes of your body a little with the help of thoughts, for example, reduce pain. You cannot change what requires material interaction with the environment, for example, it is impossible to remove hunger, but you can focus on something else and get distracted for a while and forget about hunger; the need for food and other needs cannot be destroyed with the help of thoughts, they remain and increase. Your body can respond to your thoughts, but the environment cannot.
Thoughts have the power to manifest your reality because they send strong signals to the universe, and these signals create subtle changes that radiate out into our lives. It's like sending a message in a bottle out into the ocean. You can't see the changes occurring, but they're happening at a molecular level. Meditation helps you change your thoughts, not because it actually changes them, but because it helps you become aware of them. Many people are oblivious to their thoughts and feelings: They don't realize if they're angry, tense, or sad. Then they spread and project those emotions and wonder why there are issues. Reality changes when perception changes. This means that if you want a more positive reality; change your beliefs to be more positive. Be more optimistic. When you change your beliefs, you change your reality. It all boils down to one simple truth: What we think and believe dictates what we experience. It's crucial that we're mindful of these thoughts, or else they become destructive forces that undermine our happiness and cause us misery. I mean, it's so easy for thoughts to run away. Our minds aren't passive observers, simply perceiving reality as it is. Our minds actually change reality. The subconscious mind controls 95% of our lives because its function is to store and retrieve data. Make sure you write down your plan it’s very unlikely to become real while it exists only in your imagination. Read Action Plans, Business Requirements Analysis, and The Straw Man Concept these have tips on which elements to include in your plan, and how to make sure you don't forget anything. One of the most important characteristics of an innovative idea is that it solves a problem. True innovation adds real value to those who use it. In other words, an innovative idea helps improve people's lives.