18 February 2023 4 232 Report

I had a plan to run the GDI injector for a single pulse injection. This injector draws high current and voltage for its operation. For that I used a GDI injector, Arduino Atmega 2560, Motor Shield, and 12V Battery source. The motor shield was fixed with Arduino pin-wise for easy operation and control. The jumper wire was kept on during this process as the power supply is only by battery for both Arduino and motor shield. The connections are follows (can be seen from figure):

  • Battery to motor shield (external power)
  • Motor shield to injector
  • The code was processed to run the injector for 20 ms of operation as follows:


    AF_DCMotor motor1 (1);

    void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once:


    void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: motor1.setSpeed(500); motor1.run(FORWARD); delay(20); motor1.run(RELEASE); delay(10000);


    The injector was actuating with very low power and seems will not be able to actuate for sufficient flow rate. However, when the injector was connected in direct contact with battery previously, it was grabbing more current and a large tick sound was observed assuming good operation.

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