My research is regarding the impact of the information consumed through social media (SMC) on creation of information in Social Media (SCMr). Based on literature, a five point likert scale (anchored from -2 to 2) was used to record 9 variables. Using Principal Axis Factoring and Promax rotation, the variables were nicely loaded as 2 factors as required. After checking AVE, CR, and other Tests, the Convergent, Discriminant validity and the construct validity also supports the CONSTRUCT validity. The Factor Analysis Scores were generated using Regression Method.

However, I am interested to perform Regression Analysis to see the dependency of Social Media Consumption on Social Media Creation. When I tried to do the same, although R-square value and Significant values looks great. The Unstandardized Coefficient value reports a value like "0.693E-71". Hence, I am unable to reach any conclusion.

PLEASE pardon my limited knowledge regarding the analysis.

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