02 February 2015 3 3K Report

Problems have been, as a whole, classified, thanks to Computational Complexity. But, in differential equations, is it possible to classify differential equations depending on their computational structure?

For example, if a first order non-homogeneous equation is comparatively difficult to solve than a, say, 100th order homogeneous equation, can they be classified as separate convexity classes, given the method to solve was same? If we vary the process of solving, how random shall the solutions, their existence and stability, and other properties vary?

I would assume that I am partly convinced that solving differential equations might be NP-Hard:


This chapter:


this article:


and this presentation:


have been forcing me ask for the scope of computational complexity according to the solvabality of Differential Equations. Starting with ordinary differential equations, we could classify partial, delay, difference equations etc.

I had once thought of incorporating dynamic programming using the iterates that were calculated while approximating a solution, but lost myself somewhere.

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