CHNSO elemental analysis from Perkin Elmer 2400 has a combustion/reduction tube for 70 analyses. In total we can test about 37 samples and the rest (33 runs) is used as k-factor and blanks.

In an instrument (from a friend of mine) the above mentioned number of runs can be achieved if we test all of the samples simultaneously in a sequence. Otherwise, if we for example test 10 of the samples then turn the instrument off, next time when the instruments is turn ON, we again need to inject many samples as k-factor and blanks to stabilize the system. This means that a tube for 70 runs in general cannot be used for 37 samples.

The question is that whether a 70 run tube can be used in several On/Off of the instrument, and we can save the rest of the tube capability for further use?

If not, we have to collect 37 samples and then turn on the instrument, sometimes it is not applicable to wait for so many samples to be collected. So, I am looking for solution.

Thanks in advance.

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