Hello, I have lectured at the University of Lugano (Switzerland) a MA course in the semiotic analysis of digital videos. Here is the link to my hand outs (ppt). Maybe they are useful for you ?? Best regards
Have you tried the British Film Institute site. Here's a link to some excellent books from which to teach or research: http://filmstore.bfi.org.uk/acatalog/BFI_Shop_Documentary_12.html
I've actually decided on Bill Nichols Introduction to Documentary and then supplementing with plenty of journal articles. I want to divide the class up into two sections, the first showing landmark documentaries and the second showing the influence of said films on fiction film and documentary.
I use both of these articles with university students in a Visual Writing class to introduce concepts of documentary development. Both articles are available on the Internet.
I especially like Murnen's focus on "ideological becoming" (Bakhtin). Taking other people's words, images, ideas and making them your own as you convey a message through documentary.
1. Digital storytelling as an emerging documentary form
Ana Luisa Sanchez-Laws
2. The Digital Video Documentary: Engaging Students in Ideological Becoming