I am working on tissue culturing of aquarium plants. Can anyone suggest me what are all the hormones that enhances its growth? our plants are showing very slow growth? Now I am using only 6-BAP.?
You need to be aware that different plant species has its own preferred formula including phytohormone for tissue culturing. There are many aquarium plants, and which species you are doing? Besides, if you are talking about the plant(s) grown in the water, then they may even need a special tissue-culture 'environment' for it.
1. I have briefly searched through the internet. I have not found the 'general medium' for aquarium plants. I did find some Companies selling tissue-cultured aquarium plants, such as this company at: [ http://www.aquariumplants.com/Tissue-Culture-Plants-s/289.htm ]. The tissue-cultured plants are Disease Free and Snail Free, and sold to dealers or families with home aquarium without causing any infections in the fish tanks (see attached pictures).
2. Although they have the recipes for tissue-culturing the aquarium plants they are selling, I guess they won't share that with anybody because of the nature of trade secret. You probably have to know the specific scientific names of the plants you are working and search 'Google Scholar' to obtain speicific recipes.