It depends many factors of the fuel cell operation conditions like inoculum, flow rate, substrate concentration, type of substrate, maintain of the anaerobic conditions, maintaining of pH conditions. Can you elaborate where you’re getting problem.
I am going to use Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA strain for my project.Geobacter sulfurreducens, generally considered to be a strict anaerobe, is a predominant microbe in subsurface environments. I must maintain an anaerobic condition in Microbial Electrolysis Cell reactor, How i can maintain anaerobic condition? Should i need some chemicals for doing that?.....
Most of the people are normally using N2 gas sparging continuously, particular flow rate it depends on experimental conditions. I think this is better way and convenient also. Way don’t you try this?
Thank you so much for your information. I can do that ,but it will effect on purity produced hydrogen gas in MEC. are there any chemicals can maintain anaerobic condition? are there any other method to do that?