10 October 2012 12 858 Report

I would be interested to read and learn about how to analyze animal movements when you have e.g. capture and recapture data of an animal over a certain time period. I don´t have a specific problem that I would like to analyze I just would be interested to read about possibilities and ideas how to model movement based on e.g. landscape pattern, habitat quality and maybe also weather influence on movement, and make predictions which environmental cues may be involved in such behavior (e.g. in dispersal patterns). My favorite statistical program to do this would be R, and as far as I know this should be a suitable program to use for such analyses. Also I would be interested if it would be possible with models to classify the movement patterns, e.g. random vs. directional (or following another kind of rule etc.). If anyone knows a good (and up to date) textbook or something like that, I would be happy to hear about it! Thanks! Lukas

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