In a paper where the authors have written the bond angles of the oxidised form of Cu/Zn bovine superoxide dismutase(CuIIZnSOD) flowing a reference J.Mol.BIOL. 1982, 160, 181
His44-Cu-His46 130.2
His44-Cu-His118 93.8
His44-Cu-His61 74.7
His46-Cu-His118 106.4
His46-Cu-His61 89.1
His118-Cu-His61 164.5
But I have not got this data from the journal(J.Mol.BIOL. 1982, 160, 181). This may be in Protein Data Bank(PDB).but its impossible to find out because I have not work with proteins.
Can anyone provide me any other reference?or how can i get the above data from pdb?